Tuthill Centipede
front brushes are mounted at the front of the tractor
and clear any fruit lying in the path of the tractor.
They clear a path of over 2.6 metres (8.5 feet)
giving ample room for a trailer with wide tyres
to follow without crushing fruit. The Centipede
system clears the fruit quickly so there is no fruit
left on the ground when the tractor gets to the
end of the row. The brushes fold automatically when
lifted. This makes them compact so that turning
at the headlands requires less space. The brushes
are available in two versions. One version fits
onto a standard tractor front three-point linkage.
The other version has its own lifting system. Both
brushes fold automatically. The
brushes have excellent ground following capabilities
with a central castored pneumatic height control
wheel and individual height control wheels under
each brush.
The brushes clear a path of
over 2.6 metres (8.5 feet). They can be used at
speeds up to 10kph (6 mph). When folded the brushes
are just 1.00 metres (3 feet) wide.