The new Tuthill Model 2015 Centipede Harvester
can be used with a Tuthill Centipede Side Sweep
and Tuthill Front Brushes to provide a one pass
harvesting system that can cover over one and
a half acres per hour. No need for extra passes
down your orchard row and no need to blow fruit
from between the tree trunks. The Tuthill range
of products are compact, efficient and economical
to buy and operate.
Pick up system:
The pick-up system uses a
combination of Tuthill Centipede technology to
give an exceptionally fast and gentle pick-up
that can handle the heaviest crops. Forward speeds
of over 3 kph (2.0 mph) are possible and enable
the harvester to cover over one and half acres
per hour. The Centipede picks large or small fruit
gently and without damage.
Cleaning system:
Most growers using Centipede
harvesters are able to send their fruit straight
to cider-makers without any post harvester cleaning.
This is because the Centipede harvester has an
efficient double cleaning system. It has the well
proven Long Spine Tuthill hedgehog cleaner belt
combined with a powerful 710mm diameter fan. This
system provides very high fruit throughput with
unrivalled fruit quality combined.
Elevator and conveyor
The elevator lifts the fruit
from the picking head to the cleaning system from
where a conveyor delivers the fruit into the trailer.
The conveyor can fill a large trailer with 2.00
metre high sides. There is a fruit diverter at
the end of the conveyor so that the fruit can
be directed anywhere in the trailer. It is quite
usual for trailers to carry more than four tonnes
of fruit.
Power system and control:
The Centipede harvester is
hydraulically powered from the tractor PTO. It
has its own integral hydraulic tank, oil cooler,
and hydraulic control valve. The controls are
all electric and there is a compact switch console
conveniently mounted in the tractor cab.
Trailer towing:
The 2015 Model Centipede harvester
has an automatic hitch with over-centre latching
for towing up to 4 tonne trailers.
Clearing fruit from between
the trees:
Tuthill Centipede side sweep
is mid-mounted on the tractor. It is clears the
fruit very efficiently from between the trees.
There is no need to use a blower. The side sweep
can work in any row widths from 4.25metres (14
feet) to 6.0 metres (20 feet). It folds up for
transport. The speed limit for the Centipede working
between trees is around 3 kph (2.0 mph).
Centipede front brushes:
Centipede front brushes are
mounted at the front of the tractor and clear
any fruit lying in the path of the tractor. They
clear a path of over 2.6 metres (8.5 feet) giving
ample room for a trailer with wide tyres to follow
without crushing fruit. The Centipede system clears
the fruit quickly so there is no fruit left on
the ground when the harvester gets to the end
of the row. The brushes fold automatically when
lifted. This makes them compact so that turning
at the headlands requires less space. The brushes
are available in two versions. One version fits
onto a standard tractor front three point linkage.
The other version has its own lifting system.
Both brushes fold automatically.
Harvester output:
The output of the harvester
can be measured by the amount of ground it has
covered or the amount of fruit harvested. In heavy
crops the harvester can easily pick and clean
over 15 tonnes per hour. Output will ultimately
depend on the speed with which it can be supplied
with empty trailers. In lighter crops the harvester
can travel at up to 3 kph (2.00 mph), to cover
about one and half acres per hour.